Q. What is difference between ChangeU Internship and Purple Youth Affiliate? A. ChangeU Internship is a prestigious internship whereas Purple Youth Affiliate goes deeper and wider than any internship offered. It exposes graduates, undergraduates and interns to the real corporate world, including the new megatrend AI & ChatGPT.
Q. Is there a flexible location for ChangeU Interns and Affiliates? A. Yes, there are 3 types of location [1] Work-From-Anywhere [2] Work-From-Office [3] Hybrid: Both Work-From-Anywhere and Work-From-Office.
Q. What are the Intern Positions available? A. There are 3 Intern Positions available: [1] All-Round Intern - rotated in various departments and functions.
[2] Certified Purple Youth Trainer - If your presentation skills are above average and you have a strong subject matter knowledge (e.g. AI Tools, Excel), you can be certified as a Subject Matter Expert Trainer.
[3] Purple Youth Show Host If you sense you have a strong presence, interesting character, and 'packaging' you can APPLY to be a Purple Youth Show Host in any Key Area(s): | Arts | Branding | Charity | Data | Digital Marketing | Eco & Sustainability | Education | Entertainment | Entrepreneurship | Events | Finance | Health | HR & IR | Interviews with Industry Leaders/ CEOs/ Celebrities | Investors | IT & AI | Learning | Legal | Logistics | Marketing | Operations | PR & CorpCom | Psychology | R&D | Sales | Social Media | Sports | Tax | Travel | Wealth
Q. Is the Purple Youth Affiliate US$5,000 Scholarship a money scholarship? A. An approved Purple Youth Affiliate Scholarship Holder will receive an equivalent of US$5,000 worth of mentoring and attendance of ChangeU's The 5 Mega Life Skills program. It is not a cash scholarship.