Movsha Mastermind
The Purpose and Objectives of Movsha:
This is the official networking platform for Alumni Graduates from ChangeU in-house and public events.
[1] To build a strong international Movsha Community of "Ethical AI", leadership , personal rebranding, the law of repulsion, attraction and money enthusiasts.
[2] To coach ChangeU alumni become Masters and to leave behind a master and world legacy, a voice of change in the world.
[3] To coach ChangeU Affiliates & Trainers to become a Franchise Influencer towards being a Franchise Country Leader, a voice of change in the world.
[4] To coach Interns & Graduates to become a Scholarship Intern towards being a Purple Youth Influencer & Leader, a voice of change in 8 ways youth can change the universe.
[5] To inspire corporate managers to give back and become more ethical, spiritual - with integrity, love, truth and light. To collaborate with Spiri Community to inspire 10 ways how people can give back.
The Meaning of Movsha:
The Founder, Robren, coined this original word by combining 2 words "MOVers" and SHAkers" - people with a lot of power and influence who initiate events and influence people.