Robren's Legal But Unethical Businesses LIST 2023 Link:
“What is legal does not mean it is ethical. Many business practices are legal but revealed to be unethical or immoral.” ~ Robren
Ethical Entrepreneurship is about avoiding activities that do harm to people or the environment.
[1] Heavy pressureMLMor Direct Sellingto buy minimum stocks worth thousands dollars, and recruit friends.
[2] Excessive and unnecessarymedical testsby some private hospitals.
[3]“Sin” Productsthat cause big number of annual deaths such as tobacco and alcohol (drunk driving)
[4] UsingSex and SeductionorDajis 狐狸精(foxes) to sell or promote products.
[5] UsingThe 9 Deadly Vices(i.e. Addiction, Anger, Arrogance, Attachment, Gluttony, Greed, Jealousy, Laziness & Lust) to manipulate sales, investments, legal suits, geopolitics, religious control, and racial hate.
[6] 20% filled chips in bigvacuum packaging . [7]Fund-raising“Penny Stocks” investmentswith little dividends (think“Wolf Of Wall Street”).
[8]Expensive Courseson Crypto/ Financial / Digital Marketing/ Forex /Side Hustlesthat offers little knowledge value or income generation.
[9] Expensivecosmetic surgeryresulting in disfigurement.
[10]Over-sizing Fast FoodMeals resulting in obesity.
[11]Fat-shaming FashionVS. Plus Size.
[12]Cultisolationof members from their families and friends.
[13]Religious-Fascismto control followers and offend non-believers.
[14] Peer pressure byLarge Group Awareness Training (LGAT)Course Leaders for attendees to recruit friends.
[15]Character assassination, gossiping, poison pen, or “leaks” that destroys individuals. “A truth that’s told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.” ~ William Blake, an English poet, painter, and printmaker.
[16] Disinformation & Defamation(think Fox News sued and paid US$787.5m to Dominion for fake news on election fraud)
[18] Underpaid salariesby businesses,factories,TV & Movie producers (think Hollywood strike by Screenwriters) [19] Women getting lesspay than men in all industries. Fewer women in top leadership in Politics, Religion, Private Corporations, in all industries.
[20] Whites playing Asian rolesin movies & TV. [21]Opium tradingby old British “Hongs” (trading companies in 1800s to 1917) in China and Asia.
NOTE: None of the above are listed as SCAMS – they are legal but unethical or immoral.