Giver Culture Organization [GCO]: Tagline: Setting The Gold Standard in Your CSR Link to this page:
INTRO: Our surveys show that many CSR initiatives do not meet The CSR Gold Standard. Find out how your organization can receive a "Giver Culture Organization" Award.
6 Key Result Areas to instill a successful Giver Culture Organization (GCO) within: [1] WHY: What is your main purpose and intention of your CSR? [2] WHAT: Which Category you want to focus your CSR on? [3] WHO: Identify who are the Key Champions throughout all levels of management. [4] WHEN: Set milestones and timelines. [5] WHERE: Where internally and externally is your CSR? [6] HOW: Consult all departments on "The CSR Road Map" to being a successful "Giver Culture Organization (GCO)".
How Your Organization Can Give Back
[] Used Laptop/ iPad/ Smartphone - for Needy students
[] Create a Giver Culture in your organization
[] Give a Townhouse Talk or organize a Master Giver Speaker on Giving Back