HRDCorp Claim for ProAI Magic VIP Coaching For MALAYSIANS only.
HRDC Claim: RM1,400each (for group of 2 or more) HRDC Claim Single enrollment: RM1,400 each(maximum) | Extra RM399 payable to service provider. Step 1: Make your HRDCorp Claim at least 3 working days BEFORE event. Step 2: Details of event: Event Title: "ProAI eSummit: Opportunities & Threats Theme Date: 29 August & 5 September 2023; 10:00am to 6:00pm (Hong Kong/ SG/ MY time) Nature of training: Online course Questions about HRDC Claims: [email protected]
Make ePayment to: ChangeU & Spiri Academy Hong Leong Bank: 012-00180822 NOTE #1: Your VIP Coaching seat can only be confirmed once the epayment is cleared. NOTE #2: For HRDCorp Claims (for MALAYSIANS ONLY). HRDCorp claimable RM1,400 (2 days)