The Life Debts List. One of these 29 can stop you from attracting success.
#1 Dark Secret Debt 1) Personal Dark Secret Debt 2) Family Dark Secret Debt #2 Parental Debt #3 Relationship/ Betrayal Debt #4 Marriage/ Love Relationship Debt #5 Daji 9-Tailed Fox/ Sexual Debt 1) when you are seduced and controlled by either a female or male Daji. 2) Prostitution 3) Sugar Baby-Sugar Daddy 4) Sex addiction #6 9 Vices Debt Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Anger, Jealousy, Arrogance, Addiction and Attachment. #7 Addiction Debt Luxury lifestyle, shopping, affairs, gambling, drinking, smoking, vaping, drugs, pornography, internet, gaming, and all forms of addictions. #8 Health/ Disease Debt Long-term illnesses, sufferings, pain (note: not all sufferings are karmic settlements); health problems, mental illnesses. #9 The 10 Commandments Debt Misusing God’s name, dishonor to parents, murder, violence, adultery, stealing, lying, false witness, and coveting. #10 Death Debt #11 Poverty Debt #12 Business/ Financial Debt Set backs, business closure, business partner cheating, loss from a monetary con-job, corruption backfiring; or you karmic-owe to angel investor. #13 Accident Debt Falls, injuries; plane crashes (MH370) #14 Legal Debts Divorce settlement, legal fines, defamation suits; any jail time (whether guilty or framed), court punishment; stealing of intellectual property. #15Religious Debt Forms of Religious Debts: ● Extremely strict religious disciple like celibacy, priesthood ● Penance and religious self-harm ● Being in a cult #16 Racial Debt #17 Friend/ Relative Debt #18 Possession Debt #19 Charity/ Association Debt #20 Boss/ Politics Debt #21 Extreme Discipline/ Karmic Prison Debt – a very strict disciplined life, tough military life (you may be paying for your past violent acts), painful gym regiment, vegetarian diet (it may be a sign that you abused animals in the past, or you saw animal sufferings and made some life choices), celibacy vows. #21 Extreme Discipline/ Karmic Prison Debt – a very strict disciplined life, tough military life (you may be paying for your past violent acts), painful gym regiment, vegetarian diet (it may be a sign that you abused animals in the past, or you saw animal sufferings and made some life choices), celibacy vows. #23 Doctor/ Priest Debts: Doctor/ Surgeon/ Healer/ Psychic/ Fung Shui/ Priest #24 Animal Debt #25 Country/ Political Debt #26 Nature/ Pandemic Debt Pandemic, Covid-19, earthquakes, tsunami, global warming is a direct result of greedy and over-development of industrialization; forest fires – haze. #27 Crime Debt Corruption/ Crime/ Cronyism/ Torture/ Scandal/ Drugs #28 High Status Debt: People with very high status such as a Country President, Prime Minister, King, Pope, CEO of Conglomerate – the return of karmic return is 10,000-fold than normal. #29War/ Military Debt