“A mastermind group is a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability, support, inspiration and networking, all wrap up into one” ~ Philip VanDusen, branding expert
Napoleon Hill created the Mastermind concept around 75 years ago with his book, Think and Grow Rich. A mastermind group is designed to help you navigate through challenges using the collective intelligence of others. Masterminds are groups where entrepreneurs discuss business. They can be in person, on social media, video conferences, or other mediums. While some use them to close deals, for others masterminds are simply an organized way to meet like-minded people.
"Movsha" is a coined word shortened from 'Mover & Shaker' (aka Influencer, KOL) by the Founder Robren.
Movsha Events & Activities:
Virtual MasterClasses
In-Person MasterClasses
VIP Speaker Talk & Interview at The Robren Show
Train-the-Trainer Certification for 9 New Norms Expert, The Law Of Repulsion, and The Robren Code
Movsha City Mingle (at exciting venues and locations)
Annual Dinner & Awards event
None of us is as smart as all of us.” ~ Ken Blanchard
The Movsha MasterMind has 5 Groups
[] ChangeU Alumni:
This include attendees of ChangeU Public PowerWorkshops and In-House L&D programs, The 9 New Norms ESummit, The Law of Repulsion, The Brenda Code,
[] Influencers
[] Speakers, Experts, Authors, Influencers
[] Entrepreneurs, Investors, Inventors, Startups
[] Robren Affiliate
1. MoVsha Mastermind Networking
MoVsha holds joint-networking events for movers and shakers and influential entrepreneurs and people from across-all-industries to network.
MoVsha Influencers's Videos are featured in The Robren Show: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRobrenShow
这个是其中一个在“女王国”最搞笑,搞怪,最有趣的视频 - 用周星驰式粤语来传达信息 Shanee Heng
Shanee Heng of Hong Heng Holdings |
Johan Ishak of KL Biennale & CEO of AstroTV Interview