"AI Magic" is primarily for work and leisure purposes, "My AI Legacy" is using AI as the ultimate coach to build a long lasting legacy.
Back End Masterclass: My AI Legacy US$5,999 My AI Legacy is serious application of AI for any of these Objectives: [] Master The 5 Mega Life Skills [] 1) Leadership (The Leaderfinity Pillars) 2) AI Skills (The AIfinity Passion) 3) Personal Rebranding (The Omada Makeover Power) 4) Money Management (The Moneyfinity Priority) 5) Give Back (The Liberty Programming) [] Be an Industry Leader, Influencer, Content Creator, eBook Author [] Be an Entrepreneur or the Chief AI Evangelist (the most important C-level helping the CEO) in your organization. Side-note: If your idea is feasible and profitable, Robren may invest in your startup. Coach until you succeed.
Week 1: First In-Person weekend with Robren
Other Ps = Passion, 6 or 10 Pillars, Plan, Play, Practice Process, Programming, Psychology, Purpose How to use AI