How to Ask [] Be clear on your Intention, Purpose. and Integrity. Is your intention to sincerely ask, or to demand, to manipulate, to deceive. [] Never beg. Never beg for love, care, friendship, or money. [] Never demand. Asking is like a request. [] Never be a beggar. Be a Monk instead and wait patiently for alms that will come sooner or later. [] No response is a (clear, indirect) response. Move on. Let go. [] Don’t think too much. Use your Heart, not your Head. [] Have Courage. Nothing bad will happen to you if you ask. Asking is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of inner strength. [] Asking is an action, not a thought. [] Use 5-4-3-2-1 Method. Just do it! [] Let go of your False Egos that you are NOT what you have, what you do, and what others think of you. [] Have the Trustee Mindset even towards your own child. Nobody belongs to you. You belong to nobody. God does not belong to you (only). You don't belong to God. God has no physical belongings, no body, no language, no religion, no race, no children, no parents... no nothing. [] Have no expectations. [] Knock first, then open the door. It is your birthright. You don't need any permission. [] Ask yourself: Is it worth it, or is it a waste of time? Is it meant to be, or not to be? Is it selfish or is it selfless? Is it a need or a want? Is it necessary or can you do without it? Are you asking for yourself or are you asking because someone told you to? Is it aligned with your principles, values, and purpose? Asking yourself is the world's biggest philosophical question.