FAQs about Angel Lightberators (AL): Q. Is AL a religion or a cult? A. AL is not a religion or cult. ALs come from all backgrounds, and all religions.
Q. How is "Angelic Projection" different from traditional prayers. A. Angelic Projection is not about praying to god for good fortune, things, blessings, and intervention. Angelic Projection is projecting your Angelic Form to The Angelic Realm (The Eight Dimension), and follow Angels where help and guidance are needed.
Q. What are the requirements to become an AL? A. There are no requirements, anyone can join.
Here are some recommendations how to be a better AL: [] Most important: Surrender to Angels and god [] Be open and flexible [] Don't try to force outcomes [] Don't wish bad on others even murders and rapists. [] With great spiritual power as an AL comes great responsibility
Q. Are there age restrictions to be an AL? A. An AL is never too young or too old. There are 2 year old ALs who practice AL.
Q. What are ALs in summary? A. Angel Lightberators are the new generation of lightworkers who bring help and liberty to all sentient beings.
Q. Do ALs charge for their services? A. No and yes. No ALs do not charge for their "Back To The Future Guardian Angel" services. Yes, some ALs may be involve in other healing and spiritual courses that may or may not be part of the official Robren Center services.
Q. Who funds AL? A. Public donations aand institutional foundations help to bring greater awareness of AL, and administrative costs. Original businesses operated by Whisperer Robren such as Robren eWorld, ChangeU, and other investments regularly give donations to AL.
Q. Who controls ALs? A. Nobody can control anybody, in reality. Control runs opposite to AL's philosophy of liberty. However, there is the Angel Lightbeartor Disciplinary Board who monitors the activities. As with any big human network there are always those who are in AL for all the wrong reasons e.g. power, status, reputation, intellectual bulling, trolling, disbelievers masquerading, fakes, copycats, scammers. Link for Angel Lightberator Disciplinary Board complaints: [email protected] State: 1. Full name of person of concern 2. Full contact details of that person and if possible full name and contact details of her or his mentor/ advisor 3. Brief description of the alleged bad activities 4. Who is making the complaint
Q. Is there a hierarchy in AL? A. No, ALs practice equality in gender, age, AL Elders are role models. They are not based on age but experiences. They are respected for their selfless mentor-ship, noble leadership, wisdom
Q. Are ALs anti anything? A. No, rather than taking an Anti stand, ALs take a Pro stand. For example instead of being anti-cult, ALs are cult mediators, and pro-truth. Instead of being anti flat-earthers, ALs try to educate flat-earthers the truth.
Q. How do I become an AL? A. Full details are available soon.